Friday 19 November 2021

Michele Kief's Tip: Request the Gift of Travel


Michele Kief, a blogger and financial advisor, understands that vacations may not always align with your budget. However, she suggests a creative approach to make travel more feasible: ask others for the gift of travel. Here's how you can implement this idea:

Instead of traditional presents, consider requesting travel-related gifts on special occasions like birthdays, holidays, or graduations. Communicate your desire for travel and explain the significance of the experience to your loved ones. Let them know that their support in the form of travel-related gifts would be greatly appreciated and contribute to creating lasting memories.

Once you receive gift cards or monetary gifts, commit to saving every dollar towards your travel fund. Create a dedicated savings account or envelope and deposit the gifted funds immediately. Regularly contribute to the fund yourself to further bolster your savings.

While saving, take the time to research and plan your trip wisely. Look for cost-saving measures such as affordable accommodations, discounted flights, or budget-friendly activities at your desired destination. Proper planning ensures that you can make the most of the gift of travel you've received.

By requesting the gift of travel, you can turn your dream vacation into a reality. Michele Kief's advice encourages leveraging special occasions to gather financial support that will contribute to your travel fund. Remember to express your gratitude to those who contribute and ensure that you save diligently to make your travel plans come to fruition.